Articles & Podcasts

  • "Lost Art Of Bending Over: How Other Cultures Spare Their Spines" by NPR

    author: Michaeleen Doucleff

    ...After returning home, I started seeing this "table" bending in photos all around the world — an older woman planting rice in Madagascar, a Mayan woman bending over at a market in Guatemala and women farming grass in northern India. This bending seemed to be common in many places, except in Western societies.

    "The anthropologists have noted exactly what you're saying for years," says Stuart McGill, at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, who has been studying the biomechanics of the spine for more than three decades.

    "It's called hip hinging," McGill says. "And I've spent my career trying to prove it's a better way of bending than what we do."...

  • Proper Posture: Standing, Bending, Sitting, and Sleeping

    by Mayfield Clinic

    This is a good reference guide for improving your body mechanics in order to prevent and/or minimize lower back pain and neck pain. Proper body mechanics are critical to minimizing risk of injury and maintaining a healthy spine.

  • Find Your Primal Posture and Sit Without Back Pain

    Esther Gokhale at TEDx Stanford

    Watch this quick video of Esther Gokhale teaching how to sit with proper posture.  Sitting with proper posture will align your spine in its healthy natural form, relieve neck and back pain, and begin the healing of past damage inflicted upon your spine...

  • "To Fix That Pain in Your Back, You Might Have To Change The Way You Sit"

    author: Michaeleen Doucleff

    This is a very informative article on how incorrect posture when sitting can lead to back pain, neck pain, and significant damage of the spine...

  • PODCAST: Fix Your Back Pain with Dr. Stuart McGill

    by Anchors of Health

    Listen to this podcast to hear Dr. Stuart McGill discuss back pain and his book, Back Mechanic.  Dr. McGill is the foremost expert on back pain and spinal mechanics.

  • Anatomy of the Human Spine

    by Mayfield Clinic

    "Each vertebra in your spine is separated and cushioned by an intervertebral disc, keeping the bones from rubbing together. Discs are designed like a radial car tire. The outer ring, called the annulus, has criss-crossing fibrous bands, much like a tire tread. These bands attach between the bodies of each vertebra. Inside the disc is a gel-filled center called the nucleus, much like a tire tube..."